Those of us who work professionally with dog behavior cannot turn off our skills. They exist whether we are actively working or not. There is no shut-off switch. So when we are simply living our daily lives, and we see you with your dog, we cannot control what we think. Most of the time, those thoughts are full of warm and fuzzies, because we love dogs. After all, dogs are the reason that we do what we do.
But it is also precisely because we love dogs, that sometimes the things that we see make us twitch and want to intervene where we have no business doing so. Please forgive us when we can’t resist that urge and understand that it comes from a place of love for all things canine. But for those of us who exercise extreme impulse control, because we know our comments might not be welcome, here is a less intrusive option to learn from.
1. We LOVE when we see a dog guardian using a front-clip harness
Kudos to you! You have made the best choice for your dog as well as yourself. But for your dog’s comfort sake and prevention of skeletal issues in the future, PLEASE make sure that you have a skilled professional fit that front clip harness so that it is not dipping and sagging below their shoulder blades on their chest. I see joint issues and leg fracture possibilities with every sagging front clip harness that crosses my path. It takes every ounce of impulse control that I possess to not approach you.
2. Talk less and connect more
Now this is a complicated one because while we want you to connect with your dog, what I mean here is when a dog guardian is simply talking AT their dog, not TO their dog. Walking and continually talking in full sentences that have no meaning to your dog while issuing “commands” is an exercise in futility. Communicate WITH your dog. Connect WITH your dog. You will know when you have made that connection while out and about with your dog, in the same way that you know when you are connecting with a human while on a walk. Is your dog looking at you in an engaging manner or are they simply looking back when forced to? See your dog and allow them to be a dog while enjoying the walk together. You cannot beat the bond that such a connection creates.
3. Put away the cell phone!
This is THE highlight of your dog’s day. Be WITH your dog. The day has an abundance of other moments to ignore your dog while talking or scrolling on your phone. Save the time that you spend together on a walk for simply connecting with your dog. The reward for attention to your beloved dog is such pleasure on that face. It’s incomparable to see. On the other hand, the disappointment is palpable when your dog knows that he is not the subject of your current interest.
4. Please don't sound like a drill sergeant
No one wants to look at someone who sounds mad. Switch gears and sound like you are having the best dog party ever and watch the delight on your dog’s face. If you want to cue a behavior such as a “sit”, (not command, see this article here), then issue your cue once AFTER getting your dog’s attention by saying his name. Repetition of said cue makes that cue meaningless and you are making yourself the equivalent of Charlie Brown’s teacher and all he hears is “blah blah blah”.
And while we are on the subject of the cue, when you issue a cue such as “Sit”, and mark the moment with a hearty “Good!”, stop there. Dogs are remarkably resilient and flexible creatures and they learn despite our many human failings, but following that “Good” with a “sit” such as “Good Sit”, or “Good Down”, just confuses them. The cue is just that: a signal to perform that behavior. When your dog has done so, just mark the moment rather than ask him to do it again while he is doing it. You would be amazed at how much faster he will learn.
5. We LOVE seeing dog guardians using a clicker (or verbal marker) when out with their dogs
Marking the moment good or wanted behavior happens is the surefire way to get more of it! So, keep up the great work by communicating with your dog the instant he did something you liked. If you want to use a clicker, learn how to use it properly and effectively by contacting a professional trainer who uses modern training methods. You will not be disappointed!
6. Please stop using flexi-leashes!
Control your dog! That doesn’t mean using force to do so. It simply means that your dog depends on you for both safety and boundaries. Create both. A dog on a flexi-leash in a public area is dangerous for everyone, including your dog.
7. Rethink how you socialize your dog
Socializing does not mean that you drag your terrified dog everywhere while allowing everyone to touch him without asking him how he feels about what is going on. This is just a recipe for a future disaster and a desperate phone call to someone like me when your dog objects to all of the things that have been forced into his world.
Do your dog a favor and read up on how to socialize your dog before you attempt it. Your dog will thank you with less anxiety. Less anxiety on your dog’s part means less anxiety on your part. Win/win!
To dog parents everywhere, please don’t misunderstand the frustration of the dog training profession. We want you to succeed. We realize that there is a plethora of inaccurate and even dangerous information available on the internet, in books, from your neighbor, and from that friend who has had dogs since the dawn of time.
Please do yourself a favor and look to the qualified and certified experts who have taken the time and effort to gain the proper education to assist you. Dog training is an unregulated industry, so you must look for those who have credentials. You will find nothing but good information on, all blessed by the top experts in this field. Stay tuned for part two on this subject in the future.