As an experienced Greyhound owner, I will be the first to tell you that there is a lot to celebrate about this breed. My Greyhound, Figs Kazaam (Kazzy), was a beautiful brindle fellow that lived with us from his 5th through 9th year. His untimely death from bone cancer was heart-wrenching. However, his ability to overcome his fear of anything novel along with his sweet disposition will forever stay with us.
Most people have heard the adage, Greyhounds are giant couch potatoes. I can attest that there is a lot of truth to this statement. This breed doesn’t require the amount of exercise that many assume it would. They are sprinters on the track, not long-distance runners, and that makes all the difference. A couple of outings a day, perhaps to run at an enclosed park or a long walk around the neighborhood, is plenty of exercise for most of these dogs. When they use the term “retired Greyhound,” they mean it!
Introducing a Greyhound to the home environment
These are large dogs. Their height is usually somewhere between 25 to 30 inches and they weigh between 50 and 85 pounds. They take up quite a bit of space in the house. Our rescue group brought a Greyhound out to our house in order to show us just what we were signing up for. That was a really good idea. My husband and I were both taken aback at the size of these dogs.
Former racing Greyhounds are typically crate trained but have not been house-trained. This requires a bit of basic potty training in the beginning, but most pick it up pretty quickly. Greyhounds have a very limited understanding of how the outside world works. Their life was spent at the track. Don’t assume that they have been exposed to the daily trappings of a home. They can find it unsettling to encounter different types of flooring, staircases, swimming pools (they will walk right into one…not understanding the boundary), and young children. Most adjust just fine. Just take is slowly…and help them learn to love their encounters with new items and experiences.
Meeting Greyhound needs
Physically speaking, Greyhounds don’t have much fat on their body and can be susceptible to cold or excessive heat. They should never be kept as an “outside” dog and most organizations require that they be kept inside. There are collars made specifically for a Greyhound (wide martingales). However, harnesses work well. Because of their thin, delicate necks, they should never wear any type of prong, choke, or e-collar. (Of course, no dog should ever have these on anyway!).
Some Greyhound rescue groups have restrictions. For example, they may not allow adoptions to homes with small children or cats. Others take each situation individually and on a case-by-case basis. There is usually an adoption fee that pays for any shots, spaying or neutering, and dental cleaning. Their teeth often need a bit of help due to the soft diet they are fed on the track.
Once adopted, it may take a bit of time to readjust their schedule. Racing Greyhounds usually get up at the crack of dawn… unless you are quite the early bird, you may need to push their morning wake-up time back. If they have been in a good foster program, then a lot of these issues may be resolved by the time adoption occurs.
The Greyhound will always hold a special place in my heart. They are a regal, gentle, loving breed. While built for speed, their true gift is their ability to segue from an athlete into loving companion and perfect pet!