Dog rescue is a dirty business. And I mean that literally. If you haven't been pooped on, haven't come home covered in dog hair, or haven't gone through a range of about 20 emotions in the span of a few hours--you're doing it wrong. It's a passion that can bring you the greatest joy, and can bring you to your knees just as easily.
While I commend anyone who dedicates even a small part of their life to helping dogs in need, today I've got a bone to pick with the people I like to call "armchair dog rescuers." These are the people that are usually the first to cast blame--typically on rescue groups, fellow rescuers, or animal shelter employees--and are the last to take proactive action themselves.
Not as easy as you think
The armchair dog rescuer often adopts the attitude of "somebody do something!" When you're on the front lines of the rescue world, this attitude is incredibly frustrating. Even working alongside all the people who are doing as much as they can, there comes a point when our hands are tied. Without the help of the general public, rescuers and adopters simply can't save every dog facing euthanasia at a shelter.
Animal shelter workers and animal control officers take a verbal beating on a daily basis from people who believe that they are just out to "kill any dog that walks in the door." In the vast majority of cases, this couldn't be further from the truth. The real root of the problem starts with irresponsible pet ownership, especially a lack of spaying and neutering. (Note: This is a problem more specific to the United States than in other areas like the UK, where many pets are unaltered, but are safely contained at all times.)
So instead of being an armchair dog rescuer who tells others to "save all of them" or to "just do something," try some of these alternatives that can truly make a difference in the lives of shelter dogs.
Give time or money to your local open-intake shelter or to a private rescue group
This is one of the biggest steps you can take to help the dogs in your community. Find a shelter or rescue group near you and find out where you can best fill a need-- from fostering a dog to washing blankets and towels, there's something everyone can do. If you aren't able to volunteer, consider making a monetary donation or donating needed supplies.
Practice responsible pet ownership
Don't just talk the talk--walk the walk! Your pets should be up-to-date on vaccinations, should be wearing a collar and tags at all times, should be microchipped, and should be spayed and neutered. If you choose not to spay/neuter, please keep your pets safely contained and do not breed unless you're a licensed, responsible breeder.
Educate others about responsible pet ownership
Educating your family and friends about responsible pet ownership is an easy way to help keep dogs out of shelters. If you want to take the next step, join an outreach group in your community that focuses on low-cost spay/neuters, or other pet-related causes.
Share dogs in need on social media--the right way
Social media has been instrumental in helping save lives in shelters, so don't think that I'm suggesting that all people who share dogs on social media are armchair dog rescuers. Sharing every single dog in a shelter with the all-caps heading "SOMEONE SAVE HIM!" is only going to deter your followers from really looking at the dogs you show. Find out any information you can about each dog you share, and don't blame the shelter workers or the full rescue groups who cannot help.
If you see a problem, take action
This might be the most important point I'd like to make. If you see an animal in immediate need of help, and you have the means by which to help, please take action. If you see a dog limping on the side of the road, stop to pick him up. If you find a lost dog shivering in the cold, take him in. If you don't do something, there's no guarantee anyone else will. While it might cause you some inconvenience in the short term, you may never truly know the scope of the long-term impact your decision to take action could make.
Dog rescue is exhausting, emotional work--but I can guarantee you'll never regret a minute of it.