Freak accident

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Freak accident

Post by delladooo »

I just wanted to share a friend's awful experience with you as it's really made me think about the way I let my two interact and the difference between them is nowhere near as pronounced as these two.

On christmas day a friend was visiting family with her to yorkies. One of the yorkies was playing with the family's lab. They were "friends" as far as dogs have friends and had met before many times. The lab landed on the yorkie and broke his neck. From what I can gather the yorkie died almost immediately.

Obviously it's a freak accident with really long odds but it has definitely made me think about MiMi's soft bones and how easy it is for something to happen. I don't have all the details (I don't want to ask questions as it was obviously very traumatic for them) but I know they were there when it happened and it was the larger of her two yorkies. Just something to keep in the back of your mind and be careful of :(
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Re: Freak accident

Post by JudyN »

How awful for the family :(
Jasper, lurcher, born December 2009
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Re: Freak accident

Post by MPbandmom »

So sad :(
Grammy to Sky and Sirius, who came to live with me, stole my heart, and changed my life forever as I took over their care and learned how to be a dog owner.
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Re: Freak accident

Post by rowe »

That is so bloody awful :/ but i'm not surprised. I'm always wary of bigger dogs playing with tiny dogs, because it doesn't matter how many times they have met, accidents happen :(
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Re: Freak accident

Post by delladooo »

It's something that I always knew was possible but not something you really think about, and neither of them are puppies so it wasn't like puppies getting out of hand either. I just can't imagine the trauma of witnessing it.

Re: Freak accident

Post by Theo400 »

Hi Delladooo

how awful for the family.

For this reason I don't let Theo play with any dog smaller than a lab as he did injure a springer spaniel as GSD do tend to play rough I don't know whether all larger dogs play rough but most GSD I have seen do and my brothers lab plays rough as well. I would watch them.

with Theo weighing 40kg and being 66cm tall compared to my grandma's westie who is 28cm and weighs 9kg Theo could easily hurt the westie as he's bigger and weighs way more.
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Re: Freak accident

Post by delladooo »

It is a concern Theo but I think it's important to keep in mind that it was a bit of a freak accident and statistically is pretty unlikely. That said, I wouldn't let a great dane loose to play with MiMi. I'm also very careful when MiMi and Laufey play as his 9kg is quite a bit to her 2kg even though he's not that much taller than her.

I wanted to share mostly just to say it can happen and anyone that happens to stumble here and let's their dogs play where there is a large size difference just to be aware that it's not impossible, unfortunately :(
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