my dog saved my life today

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my dog saved my life today

Post by Theo400 »

Hi Everyone

I was walking Theo this morning our normally routine (im in the uk) it was 5.30pm. I got out a bit earlier as I was going down to stay with my parents for Christmas so thought with it be a 4hr journey I would get out earlier to let Theo stretch his legs for longer. (as I normally go out at 7am and am back by 7.45am) I got back for 7.00am. when we got to middle wood way I let him off the lead to play fetch in the woods and I did notice this man with a hood following me yesterday on both walks and then again this morning and Theo spotted him and kept looking so I moved more into the woods so I could reach the other end to get out when Theo came running back with his ball he started growling I thought he was growling at me as the man was right behind me I did not even know as I thought he had gone and The was showing his teeth and I turned around and the man was running away and had dropped a knife. I was so shaken and phoned the police and they have taken the knife and said that there was a women about my age who got raped and then stabbed in the wood 2 weeks ago on her way to work and that happened at a similar time. and it hit me I could have got killed and Theo made him think twice (he's a German Shepherd for those who don't know).

I think I was more shocked that he protected me as I thought he wouldn't as he has not been trained to and was told only trained GSD protect there masters.
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by delladooo »

That's awful! At least you're okay, which is the main thing in this scenario. I hope the man is caught, and soon, before he tries to do it to anyone else. Theo sounds like an excellent dog to have around and like you have an excellent bond and whilst I don't know much about protection dogs and training specifically for protection, I think most dogs are inclined to protect what is theirs and they can definitely tell if someone is a shady character.

Glad you're okay!

Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by Theo400 »

Me to Delladooo I was so shaken up, Theo has been enjoying his reward. we do have a very close bond the last boyfriend I had he did not like. I thought he was just being Theo but I found out a week later he was married and I felt awful and dumped him straight away. it amazes me how our dogs know when someone or something is not right.
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by delladooo »

I can imagine as you were! It's odd the things dog's pick up on but Theo's instincts were definitely right on this occasion with excellent consequences, and they were obviously right about your previous boyfriend too!
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by Suzette »

Wow! I cannot imagine how frightening all this has been for you. Thanks goodness for Theo and his protective nature!! I am so happy you are all right. I hope they catch this psycho soon and put him where he belongs before he hurts someone else.
My avatar is Piper, my sweet Pembroke Corgi. b. 5/11/11

Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by Theo400 »


I am afraid of that to I was contacted by the family an hour ago and I am working with them to catch him as there daughter died from her stab wounds and I have felt sick ever since and thank goodness for Theo he has not left my side since.
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by JudyN »

I'm so sorry the other girl didn't survive - not surprised you feel sick. Well done Theo, he must feel even more special to you now.
Jasper, lurcher, born December 2009

Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by Theo400 »

Yes he is JudyN. I am going to try my best with her family to get justice for her. as this evil man :evil: should not still be on the streets.

I am so blessed that I had him other wise I might not still be here. I was so devastated when I was told that there was a victim before me and when the family phoned I have been very emotional ever since.
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by ScarletSci »

I'm so sorry this happened to you! And so glad Theo was there and scared the man off!

No wonder you're shaken, anyone would be after that. It's good that you're going to be with your family for a few days after this, take things easy, and use the victim support they offer you! It will help, and you've been through a terrifying experience.

Give that brave dog a cuddle from all of us here, we'll be here anytime you want to talk.
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by DianeLDL »

Wow, how frightening and to find out he had raped and killed that other woman must be hard.

My husbsnd used to be law enforcement and dog handler. He said that although German Shepherds are trained for police work, they are naturally protectective and ready to fight for their owners even without training. So, my husband wasn't surprised to hear how Theo reacted.

It sounds like Theo has good instincts and great to have him with you.
I have learned that as women we need to be very much aware of not only our surroundings but also of anyone suspicious. The fact that you had seen this man before would send up red flag.
Hopefully, you were able to give the police a description. And great that he dropped the knife which hopefully will help the police.

Even our chihuahua mix is very protective of me. He also will bark and try to attack anyone with a hoodie on.

I would also find a different area to go for walks. Wooded areas are vulnerable places for women alone. That is why this guy chose that spot. Find an open field for Theo to run if you can. Stay where there are other people around or in a public area, even if Theo has to be on lead.

Give Theo a very special treat and extra hugs. He is very special. And it sounds like you have a companion for life. :D
You have a special bond. :D
(And after his reaction to your last boyfriend, I would follow Theo's instincts.)

Enjoy your visit with your family. It will give you a safe place to rest and take care of yourself. :D
You have a lot to be thankful for.
Sandy, Chihuahua mix b. 12/20/09
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by rowe »

I'm so sorry this happened to you :/ and that poor woman that passed. I grew up with german shepards and it doesn't matter how friendly and loving they are to other family members and outsiders, if something is amiss, they will protect their masters and/or family. When i was a little girl, my older cousin and I were play fighting and the GSD didn't like it and bailed up my cousin ;)

You have a wonderful dog and I hope that you are okay.

Much love

Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by Theo400 »

Hi Everyone

Thank you for all your support, it means a lot. I do want to ask something the police want be to be bate and go back to the woods without Theo and they will be watching close bye and try and catch him that way as another woman was raped there she is fine thank goodness and I am thinking of doing this for justice for the woman who died but am so scared if anything goes wrong. I am so angry with the police for not patrolling that area like they said they would but they said he would not go back there :roll: but he has and has taken another victim. what do you think should I do it.
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by JudyN »

Surely the police could use a young (depending on the age of the previous victims) plain-clothes policewoman? :shock: And if he has now attacked, or attempted to attack, three women, have they not spoken to the press and gone public? Surely people should be advised to avoid the area?
Jasper, lurcher, born December 2009
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by jacksdad »

don't do it on your own. don't take this on your self. if the police ask for your assistance that is one thing, but if you go out on your is how far and how long in arriving????????
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Re: my dog saved my life today

Post by Suzette »

Totally unacceptable for the police to ask this of you. A plain clothes police woman is the way to go. I would say no. They are trained for this, you are not. It is beyond awesome of you to even consider doing this, but I would strongly recommend against it.
My avatar is Piper, my sweet Pembroke Corgi. b. 5/11/11
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