Car Sickness!!!

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Molly's Mom
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Car Sickness!!!

Post by Molly's Mom »

My 20 week old lab mix Molly has car sickeness. In fact, she begins to drool as soon as she gets into the car, which is not even on yet! Every ride in the car is to a happy place. The park, home to see daddy. I walk her to the vet, so she should have no bad feelings. She even hates getting into the car! So, I cannot take her the 6 miles to the dog park within 2 hours of her eating.

My vet says this could go away with time, b ut if not she can take Dramamine for long trips, like to my family. But, I need a solution for short trips. I have heard the jelly bean 30 minutes before or crystallized ginger. I wanted to hear what people have to say before I try anything.

Oh, and she is seatbelted into the back seat of the car.


Molly's Mom
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Post by Molly's Mom »

Sorry, probably should have mentioned, she throws up at the end of almost every car trip! This is the main problem!

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Post by griffin »

OOOOOOOO I feel/smell and know your troubles all too well. Eddie still gets sick after 20 minutes in the car. He is "nice enough" to throw up in the cup holders (each time).

He loves the car, loves to stick his nose out the window (just the snout, no danger) but 20 minutes is tops, right now.

He used to get sick sooner, but with more attempts, he has slowly gotten used to longer trips.

Some dogs, just like humans with planes, trains or boats, just can't help it, no matter how we try to keep their ride smooth, fun, etc.

So,as the vet said, Dramamine for long trips, may be the only recourse. Since your pup is a pup, keep trying. Take her out for five minutes, then 10 and so on. bring along her favorite toys to keep her mind off the movement. Have some one sit back there with her, to help keep her calm.

These have worked for Eddie, some what.
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Post by Nettle »

One of mine was car sick from 9 weeks (fine before) to 9 months. How I feel your pain. I tried lots of solutions but what worked best for her was two ginger capsules (she's a large type) 10 minutes before each journey.

You can also try changing where she rides in the car (centre is smoothest, then front, then rear) changing the driver just to see if she prefers a different type of driving, trying another car in case the suspension of the usual one gives her a queasy ride, seeing if petrol or diesel cars affect her differently (they smell fumes far more than we do) putting her in a cage with a blanket over the top so she can't see out, or you can try homeopathy (via a homeopathic vet).

All these are worth trying before resorting to drugs and yes, most of them do grow out of it.

Is she sick on the way home as well?
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Post by katowaggytail »

Hi Nettle, where can you get the ginger caps from? We are due our first holiday with pooch and have a 3 hr drive ahead of us. Kato has improved tremendously but we only do an hour max when we go around here. Fi
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Post by Nettle »

Health food shops sell them, and chemists :D
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Post by katowaggytail »

Thanks, I'll let you know how we get on! Also have DAP ready and waiting!! :lol:
Molly's Mom
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Post by Molly's Mom »

Yes, DAP does nothing for us.

Nettle, it is the oddest thing. Sometimes she gets sick on the inital ride. The other day, she got to the park, played for 2 hours, got all the way home, and threw up on our block. She actually hold it all the way to the end of a journey, and then gets sick! Funny dog.

I am glad you mentioned the ginger capsules, I will pick those up, because that is the one natural solution I kept hearing. And I really prefer to not use drugs!

Thanks! I'll report back!
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Post by CockerCharlie »

Pets at home sell dog sickness treats have a look they worked for my mums dog.
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Post by dogloverliz »

My Pointer pup is now 10 months old. she used to get sick even sitting in the car without the engine running! Now she is fine, she has grown out of it. I remeber being the same as a child!!!
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Post by katowaggytail »

Kato isn't sick, just not a happy pooch! drooly, farty - although that has lessened at time has gone on!! :shock: He will get in the car and knows we go somewhere nice and come home again. it's just that I know he's not over keen....... :roll:
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Post by rubyboo »


Ruby and Boo are both car sick on journeys over 1 hour although Boo is now starting to grow out of it.

When we go on longer trips we make sure we try and travel before they've been fed and also give them a sea legs tablet which are travel sickness pills for kids i think.
Molly's Mom
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Post by Molly's Mom »

dogloverliz wrote:My Pointer pup is now 10 months old. she used to get sick even sitting in the car without the engine running! Now she is fine, she has grown out of it. I remeber being the same as a child!!!
Oh, this is my problem! The car is off, the end of the ride is always a fun place, but the drooling and vomit!

Well, thank you everyone, I am now beginning to believe there is a light at the end of this tunnel!

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