Thick Mutt

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Thick Mutt

Post by Maggie »

Well its official.... I have the stupidest dog on the planet lol.

I have been doing the clicker training.... which I have got to say is fantastic with Ethel my bulldog. She has taken to it straight away and learns very quickly. She has took to it lovely.
Then there is Derrick.. Well.. what can I say. He is now almost 7 months old, and he really is as thick as 2 short planks.
We have just managed to get "sit" done.... to a fashion :? but as for the rest of the things I have tried... well for get it.
I have had many bullterriers in my time on this strange planet, and I know bullie stubbornness, but this is definatly stupidity at its best.
I am working on his recall EVERDAY all day, round the house, in the yard and especially when out and about, but obviously everything else is more interesting when we go out and I take that into account, with him still being so young and all.

In the house, I try and make everything fun and food reward based, and like i said before Ethel picks it up straight away.
Delboy is that thick he cant even find a biscuit that has been dropped infront of his nose! Ethel will sit patietly waiting for her biccie and if I drop dels then she will leave it alone (good girl) but he cant even workout that the biscuit has dropped out of my hand and onto the floor, and when I piont to it, I have to litteraly put my finger on the biccie in order for him to know its there or he just follows my hand back up. Even if he has heard the biccie drop to the floor. Eth sits there staring at the biccie as if to say "are you gonna get that!!"
I know its not his eyesight, cuz if there is something that catches his eye on the floor when we are just sat about he will go and pick it up even from accross the room, and I know its not his hearing either.

There are sooooo many stupid things he does I coyuld sit here all day and list them, but then you would get sick of reading and I would get arm ache :D
So its official guys... I have the stupidest bullterrier on the planet. :lol:
Posts: 593
Joined: Thu May 24, 2007 7:30 am

Post by Ocelot0411 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh dearie dear. I know Bullie's have a reputation for being a bit stubborn but this does seem to take the biscuit (get it?? :wink: ).

Never mind Maggie, perhaps beauty and brains is too much to ask for, so you will have to settle for a beautiful dog. :D
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