I REALLY need help for my dogs =/

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I REALLY need help for my dogs =/

Post by jitterbug91 »

I am totally aware that obesity is a human problem and not a canine one but after taking my eight-year-old German Shepherd mix to the vet, we discovered she has thyroid problems, thus her weight gain. She LOVES going for walks and whenever I walk my one-year-old pup, she howls and whines and doesn't leave the window, according to my mom :)

When I take the 8yr old on walks, she's incredibly slow and can only go for possibly ten minutes. By then, she's slowing down to the point where she refuses to go any further. The puppy pulls and it's difficult to keep her walking with me. There has been a few times where I've had to ring my mom and have her drive down the street to pick us up because of it. I'm the only one who walks them, and they hardly get walked due to having fibromyalgia and anemia, which makes me tired as well. My mom nor my brother will help walk them.

The 8yr old drinks a lot of water and when she sleeps, she's noisy. It's like she's struggling to breathe in her sleep and it concerns me. My mom doesn't have the patience to make frequent check-ups for the 8yr old or have a trainer come out and work with the 1yr old. The 8yr old is so fragile, she struggles to climb up onto the futon or pick herself up from a "down" and a "sit" I have mentioned hydrotherapy to my mom and fat camp, but she thinks they're unnecessary including obedience training :( I'm frustrated all the time knowing I'm not in a good position to train them myself. My mom, her friends, and my brother all expect me to do it myself. I can assure you, there's a lot of inconsistency.

My puppy frequently urinates all over the house whenever she's not supervised and my mom has gotten so frustrated with her, she's slapped her on the butt. I tell her it's not right but she doesn't listen and the only thing I can do is keep the puppy with me. Not only that, the puppy is the dominate dog and is extremely jealous when she doesn't have the spotlight, so to speak. She will invade the 8yr old's space resulting in pulling at the 8yr old's neck, ears, or lips like Tug O' War. It's really scary!! She has even made the 8yr old bleed a bit. My mom has given a lot of thought about giving up the puppy. I don't know where she'll go and I'm responsible for her life no matter who's she's with. I don't want her to wind up in another shelter. I adopted her at 2months and she had Parvo, Mange, and Hook worms. I couldn't put her back there again. My mom is one of those people who is really stubborn and it'll take a lot to get her to change :( I really think one of these days, my mom will give my puppy away...

Victoria, if you're reading this, I would really appreciate it if you could help :)

- Mary
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Post by Mattie »

I also have this so lets tackle the fibromyalgia first, unless this is sorted you can't walk your dogs. I don't know how long you have had it or know how much knowledge but going to assume very little for the other memberx.

For those that don't know, when you think of FMS think of ME only FMS has hot spots all over your body that when at their worst, you can't even bare lightweight clothes on.

You do need a very good diet, lots of fruit and veg, wholemeal bread, pasta etc, can bring FMS on, but white has a lot less chance of this. Mixing the right amount of exercise with rest is also very important, getting over tired will cause you a lot of problems.

There is an exercise that will help your walking, sit on a dining chair and stand up without using your arms, this can be very difficult if you are not used to doing it but you really need to be able to stand and sit for 50 times. Start slowly and work up to this. Don't over do this and this will strengthen the muscle at the front of your thigh which will help with your walking. Also circle your ankles both ways several times a day, this will keep your ankles supple which you need.

I know the feeling that my legs won't support my body very well, far too well at times :lol: I have never known my legs to colapse on me no matter how bad they felt but I do have to shorten walks at times.

I set myself a target to walk, I do this every morning because every day is different, if I feel well my target is a couple of miles, if I bad, my target may be 100 yards or less. I deliberately forget about getting back, once there I have to get back, I don't have anyone to come and fetch me. If necessary I rest when I get back.

Earlier this year I was seriously thinking of getting an electric scooter to walk the dogs, I have 6, but by working through it, I am fine now but I know that I will get to that stage many times in the future. Many people give up and have wheelchairs, I can't blame them but I don't want to go that way.

I will reply to your post in another post.
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Re: I REALLY need help for my dogs =/

Post by Mattie »

jitterbug91 wrote: When I take the 8yr old on walks, she's incredibly slow and can only go for possibly ten minutes. By then, she's slowing down to the point where she refuses to go any further. The puppy pulls and it's difficult to keep her walking with me. There has been a few times where I've had to ring my mom and have her drive down the street to pick us up because of it. I'm the only one who walks them, and they hardly get walked due to having fibromyalgia and anemia, which makes me tired as well. My mom nor my brother will help walk them.
Where do you walk her? What breeds are your dogs?
The 8yr old drinks a lot of water and when she sleeps, she's noisy. It's like she's struggling to breathe in her sleep and it concerns me. My mom doesn't have the patience to make frequent check-ups for the 8yr old or have a trainer come out and work with the 1yr old. The 8yr old is so fragile, she struggles to climb up onto the futon or pick herself up from a "down" and a "sit" I have mentioned hydrotherapy to my mom and fat camp, but she thinks they're unnecessary including obedience training :( I'm frustrated all the time knowing I'm not in a good position to train them myself. My mom, her friends, and my brother all expect me to do it myself. I can assure you, there's a lot of inconsistency.
Drinking a lot of water is often the first sign there is something seriously wrong with a dog so is making a noise when sleeping, your 8 year old needs a full check up by a vet including blood tests. Not giving her this is not caring for her can can be classed as neglect, in the UK you can be prosecuted for not taking your dog to a vet when something is wrong.

What are you feeding your dogs?

They need a good qualilty food, this usually works out cheaper than the rubbish because they have too much cereals and additives in. IOf your dog is fat he needs to be on a diet, you can do this yourself by reducing his food. You can add veg to his food to bulk it out and if on dry food, soak it, it will swell so your dog thinks he is getting more than he is.

Why can't you train your 1 year old? Not only do I have fibromyalgia I also have had a hip replaced and my other is well on the way to being replaced. I have 6 dogs and all are well behaved and obedient. I also gave 24/7 care to my husband who was so disabled he could only feed himself with a spoon and sit up. He couldn't walk or clean himself.

Make sure you are eating food that gives you iron, the redder the veg the better it is, beetroot is very good for your blood.
My puppy frequently urinates all over the house whenever she's not supervised and my mom has gotten so frustrated with her, she's slapped her on the butt. I tell her it's not right but she doesn't listen and the only thing I can do is keep the puppy with me.

You train her to be clean in the house, take her outside as soon as she wakes up, before and after she is fed, and every hour in between, lots and lots of praise when she goes. Since getting FMS I have housetrained a 20 week old pup and a 3 year old ex racing Greyhound who had never lived in a house, if I can do it so can you.
Not only that, the puppy is the dominate dog and is extremely jealous when she doesn't have the spotlight, so to speak. She will invade the 8yr old's space resulting in pulling at the 8yr old's neck, ears, or lips like Tug O' War. It's really scary!! She has even made the 8yr old bleed a bit. My mom has given a lot of thought about giving up the puppy. I don't know where she'll go and I'm responsible for her life no matter who's she's with. I don't want her to wind up in another shelter. I adopted her at 2months and she had Parvo, Mange, and Hook worms. I couldn't put her back there again. My mom is one of those people who is really stubborn and it'll take a lot to get her to change :( I really think one of these days, my mom will give my puppy away...
You must stop her from doing this, as you said you are responsible so it is up to you. Teach her to go and lie down on command, use a special blanket for this and you can then take it everywhere with you, this will make things easier. She is not being dominant but is a teenage hooligan and needs to know her boundaries which nobody has bothered to teach her. She is your dog, take responsiblity for her and train her. If you train your dog there won't be a reason for your mum to give her away or to slap her when she goes in the house.

Fibromyalgia is not lifethreatening, it is debilitating but how much depends on you. If you give into it instead of fighting it you will not only loose your dog but your ability to walk. It does take determination but as you have these dogs you owe it to them to be determined to work through this, if you can't you need to rehome both dogs, they are not getting what they need and in fact, are boardering on neglect.

This may seem hard, but for your dogs sake, I have no choice, I am in the same position so do understand what you are going through but there is nothing special about me, but I think enough of my dogs not to give into it, if I can so can you. It won't be easy, it will take time, but if you want an ear to sound off to, I am here for you, if your want a shoulder to cry on, I am here for you, if you want a kick on the butt, I am here for you. :wink:
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Post by Cracker »

Great posts Mattie.

I certainly feel for the OP, lots of stuff to deal with. I just wanted to mention that my friend's sister has FM and she does better physically and mentally when she is on antidepressants. May sound strange, but chronic pain and discomfort and clinical depression/chemical changes in the brain are closely linked.

As for the training the pup, patience and practice make a huge difference. Have you tried clicker training? There are some great LLW methods out there that you can start indoors in short segments using a clicker and food rewards. This is physically easier for you and also builds the pup's eagerness to learn and train. I agree with Mattie, dominance is probably not the issue here, more likely the pup being a Pita and if your older girl is not well it makes it harder to correct the pup. Give the old girl a break occasionally by crating the pup and spending some time with your 8 year old.

You say the older dog was diagnosed Hypothyroid, once she is on meds for a period of time both her energy and her weight should start to change. Watch her food, exercise her best you can and see how it goes. Once the weight starts to come off she will most likely improve in many ways.

Is it possible to hire a dogwalker to come in and take the kids out a couple of times a week? (daily is best but some is better than none). This gives you a break physically and many dogwalkers are happy to "work' with the training protocols you set up. I know, I am one.

As for Mum and the housebreaking of the pup. She needs education on how pups learn. If you can't be there, pup should be crated except for supervised pees outside and supervised playtime. Maybe you can show her some posts from here...
Anytime an accident occurs in the house, this is the human's fault. Until dog's suddenly develop opposable thumbs they rely on US to help them and to teach them.

Good luck.
Good luck and take care.
Maggi Burtt
Tailspin Petworx

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Post by Mattie »

Cracker wrote: I certainly feel for the OP, lots of stuff to deal with. I just wanted to mention that my friend's sister has FM and she does better physically and mentally when she is on antidepressants. May sound strange, but chronic pain and discomfort and clinical depression/chemical changes in the brain are closely linked.

Antidepressants cause me to hallucinate and affects my balance which is why I can't take them. Morphine based painkillers have the same effect.

There is very little you can't achieve if you are determined enough, which is the only way I can walk my dogs sometimes.
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Post by jitterbug91 »

I also have this so lets tackle the fibromyalgia first, unless this is sorted you can't walk your dogs. I don't know how long you have had it or know how much knowledge but going to assume very little for the other memberx.
It started when I was in a car accident in the 8th grade (according to my doctor) but was diagnosed with it in the 9th grade. I'm a senior currently. It has been so bad I couldn't participate in dance, so my teacher would give me written work instead. The winter and the heat seems to make it worse, as I am intolerable to heat. I feel lightheaded and have to stay be in a cool area out of the sun. It makes me feel like I could vomit if I don't lay down. But that sounds like dehydration :) I don't drink enough water, so maybe that's why but I do lose a lot of hair even when I brush it. A big clump comes off...my mom thinks it's a thyroid problem..

Where do you walk her? What breeds are your dogs?
The 8yr old is a German Shepherd Dog mix and the 1yr old is a Shepherd mix. I walk them in my neighborhood. It's openly spaced out so to walk around the entire neighborhood would be an hour or so.

What are you feeding your dogs?
Pedigree kibble and canned food, though the 8yr old gets kibble only. The puppy is fed twice a day and the 8yr old is fed once a day.
Why can't you train your 1 year old?
I can, but it's very hard when there's inconsistency. My mom and I were working together but she lost interest and lets the puppy jump on people. I tell the guests to ignore the dog and turn around and then I remove the puppy. When she urinates on the carpets, my mom doesn't immediately put her outside if she catches her. If she comes home to a soaked spot and I've been asleep, then she scolds her and puts her outside or sometimes will hit her. She used to shove her nose in the urine but I haven't seen her do it lately. I learned that everyone in the household is responsible for the dogs' education so I need my mom's help, as it's just us living together. I've asked her many times to go on short walks with me because I do want to have good health. The anemia really makes me tired, especially on menstrual cycles and I have been known to sleep all day. If I could, I would take both my dogs to doggie daycare where they can socialize with other dogs and receive obedience training too, but I can't because I don't have a car or license yet. Very sad...Also what makes training them so difficult is my mom and I are very opposite, like polar opposite when it comes to animals and training. A lot of tension, you could say, lives in our house as we have a lot of personal issues that need to be worked out. My thinks she isn't doing anything wrong. I know I'm doing something wrong and I want to fix it. I want to be a better owner and a leader to my dogs. They deserve it.
Make sure you are eating food that gives you iron, the redder the veg the better it is, beetroot is very good for your blood.
I know about iron and we have some pills but I can't take it due to having IBS. It makes "things" a lot worse...I'm scheduled to have a colonoscopy at the end of the month. Scary!!
Is it possible to hire a dog walker to come in and take the kids out a couple of times a week? (daily is best but some is better than none). This gives you a break physically and many dog walkers are happy to "work' with the training protocols you set up. I know, I am one.
I have also mentioned this to my mom as well but again, she doesn't find it necessary. I feel that none of us have the time. I do take ownership for my part, though. I'm not on a good sleeping schedule and my hours are all mixed up. I'm not in school because I've struggled so much in staying awake and finishing homework and other personal reasons. I was supposed to be in a preparatory class to study for the GED but she hasn't even signed me up yet. I would do it myself but I have to go by her schedule and it's often changing, so I'm kind of stuck.
As for Mum and the housebreaking of the pup. She needs education on how pups learn. If you can't be there, pup should be crated except for supervised pees outside and supervised playtime. Maybe you can show her some posts from here...
The 1yr old is in a safe area in our kitchen. Both entrances to the kitchen are closed off but she uses the doggie door to get outside. Even when she's in her area, she's known to be destructive. There's so much chewing (it looks like a horse was cribbing) on our window panes, the legs of the chairs, and much more. She also has ripped up my brother's comforter with stuffing everywhere. She also can be rough when she plays. Both dogs are also very food, people, and toy aggressive. That's why the puppy is fed in the kitchen and the older dog is fed in another room far apart from each other.
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Post by Mattie »

jitterbug91 wrote: It started when I was in a car accident in the 8th grade (according to my doctor) but was diagnosed with it in the 9th grade. I'm a senior currently. It has been so bad I couldn't participate in dance, so my teacher would give me written work instead. The winter and the heat seems to make it worse, as I am intolerable to heat. I feel lightheaded and have to stay be in a cool area out of the sun. It makes me feel like I could vomit if I don't lay down. But that sounds like dehydration :) I don't drink enough water, so maybe that's why but I do lose a lot of hair even when I brush it. A big clump comes off...my mom thinks it's a thyroid problem..
You have the symptoms for an under active thyroid and many people with fibromyalgia have this, it is part of it, so off to your doctor and get this checked. Once you are getting the right medication you will be a lot better.

You do sound as if you need more liquid, it doesn't have to be water, tea, coffee etc will also do. You could also flavour the water to make it easier to drink.
Make sure you are eating food that gives you iron, the redder the veg the better it is, beetroot is very good for your blood.
I know about iron and we have some pills but I can't take it due to having IBS. It makes "things" a lot worse...I'm scheduled to have a colonoscopy at the end of the month. Scary!!
Danone Activia is very good for IBS, it is how I control mine, I have 2 or 3 a day. If I am bad, I also take anti diarhoea tablets. I know a lot of people who control there IBS with Danone Activia.
I'm not on a good sleeping schedule and my hours are all mixed up. I'm not in school because I've struggled so much in staying awake and finishing homework and other personal reasons. I was supposed to be in a preparatory class to study for the GED but she hasn't even signed me up yet. I would do it myself but I have to go by her schedule and it's often changing, so I'm kind of stuck.
I find meditating very good, when bad I cat nap but refuse to go to bed during the day. I feed my dogs about 11pm then go to bed and am up at 7am. It is only by making a routine will you be able to come through thisk part. If you want to talk, I am on MSN so pm me if you would like to. You need the right support by someone who understands what you are going through. You can't sort your dogs out until you are sorted.

I don't have a choice, I live on my own, my husband passed away 2 years ago today so not feeling very good. If I don't manage my FMS my dogs would suffer and I won't allow that to happen.

It does take a hell of of lot of will to get onto the right road but if I can do it so can you. I will help as much as I can but I live the other side of the pond.
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Post by jitterbug91 »

You have the symptoms for an under active thyroid and many people with fibromyalgia have this, it is part of it, so off to your doctor and get this checked. Once you are getting the right medication you will be a lot better.
I didn't know that an under active thyroid often comes with FMS. That's interesting because my mom has FMS and she is getting her thyroid taken out next week.
You do sound as if you need more liquid, it doesn't have to be water, tea, coffee etc will also do. You could also flavour the water to make it easier to drink.
I am bad about drinking water but am starting a habit of drinking it throughout the day. I heard it also helps IBS as well as your health in general.
Danone Activia is very good for IBS, it is how I control mine, I have 2 or 3 a day. If I am bad, I also take anti diarhoea tablets. I know a lot of people who control there IBS with Danone Activia.
I used to do Danon Activia but a friend informed me about Yo Plus, so I tried that and it's not doing so well. I have thought about switching back. I don't really know what's the difference between the two.
It is only by making a routine will you be able to come through thisk part. If you want to talk, I am on MSN so pm me if you would like to. You need the right support by someone who understands what you are going through. You can't sort your dogs out until you are sorted.

I don't have a choice, I live on my own, my husband passed away 2 years ago today so not feeling very good. If I don't manage my FMS my dogs would suffer and I won't allow that to happen.

It does take a hell of of lot of will to get onto the right road but if I can do it so can you. I will help as much as I can but I live the other side of the pond.
I am truly sorry for your loss. I appreciate your help and am glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with all of these medical problems and etc :)
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Post by Mattie »

jitterbug91 wrote:
You have the symptoms for an under active thyroid and many people with fibromyalgia have this, it is part of it, so off to your doctor and get this checked. Once you are getting the right medication you will be a lot better.
I didn't know that an under active thyroid often comes with FMS. That's interesting because my mom has FMS and she is getting her thyroid taken out next week.
That explains a lot and is probably why your mum can't help you with the dogs as much as you want.
I am bad about drinking water but am starting a habit of drinking it throughout the day. I heard it also helps IBS as well as your health in general.
I don't drink water, I don't like it. In the UK the water tastes different in different parts of the country and as I don't live were I grew up, I can't drink the water. Don't like spring water but will drink some flavoured, I prefer green tea or coffee, have several of each every day. Green tea is very good for you, it detoxes you and keeps you like that. You can get various flavours, or we can in the UK> :D
I used to do Danon Activia but a friend informed me about Yo Plus, so I tried that and it's not doing so well. I have thought about switching back. I don't really know what's the difference between the two.
I have never heard of Yo Plus.
I am truly sorry for your loss. I appreciate your help and am glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with all of these medical problems and etc :)
Thank you, no you are not the only one struggling with this, many doctors don't recognise it unfortunately so people really do suffer.
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Post by ckranz »

Yo Plus is the new thing from yoplait to compete with activia for digestive issues. My wife like both...I cannot stand yogurt...cant stand much dairy.

Last time I was at my acupunturist there was an article discussing the merits of acupunture with respect to FMS. I know it has been effective in many other pain conditions (arthritis, rhuemetism, frozen joints etc...) perhaps that may also be an option to help provide some relief.

Believe me I don't envy anyone being in pain. I get frozen should often enough and when it acts up, I cannot move, I cannot sleep, I cannot do anyhing without being in excruciating pain....The closest thing I can think of to describe it would be to put sand in your ball and socket joints and then move your arm. Pain relievers forget about them, they just do not work...especially being allergic to opioids.(vicodin oxy etc..)

I had one attack where I did not sleep for 3 days because of the pain. Fortunately since I have been getting the right treatment its been quite a while since I have had an attack that severe. I can read when attacks are coming and better prepare which helps to minimize both pain and time of discomfort.
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Post by Mattie »

With a frozen shoulder, I find that massaging the triggers spots releases it, but it hurts, it has to or it won't release.

I used to go to an aromatherapist, she also does accupuncture, Chinese body balancing, puts those cups on etc, and this is what she showed me to do with a frozen shoulder.
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Post by ckranz »

Yes but how effective is it with FMS? That was my point. That's basically how my acupuncturist treats any flare up I have.
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Post by Mattie »

I have FMS and find it very good, the lady I used to go to had quite a lot of people with this and they all improved. Out of them all, I found the Chinese Body Balancing the best, it put my body into a position were it could heal, the others all healed.
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Post by jitterbug91 »

Yeah, I wondered about that because I'm sensitive, especially to the cold. The heat just makes me feel I want to pass out.

For now, I just use something like Icy Hot or ActiveOn to help the joint and muscle pain. My everyday pain is in my neck, shoulders, back, and fingers. I have to run warm water over my hands because they get stiff.
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