My Disabled Husband Needs Help

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My Disabled Husband Needs Help

Post by bluejedi79 »

My husband is disabled and needs to use a power chair to move about the house. He's tried to talk quietly to our dog while in the chair, but all she does is bark at him. He's also tried to stop moving when she starts to bark. But when he can barely put his hand on the joystick to move again, she starts barking again. It's gotten to the point that he just ignores her barking when he goes about his normal routine each day. He has had some success in holding her while in his chair and talking soothingly to her. She even let him take her for a ride in the chair without shaking or barking! :D

The other problem is that when he's in bed, he will try to call out to her calmly and offer a treat. She'll either ignore him or come cautiously into the bedroom. It takes a lot of coaxing her onto the bed. He's able to put her into a "sit" and even gets her to lay down on command. The minute she complies with the command, he will give her the treat, and then she runs away. I have to pick her up to put her in his arms to hold her. When I leave the room, my husband is able to hold and talk nicely to her for a couple minutes. But then after that, she'll jump down and run away from him. He loves her dearly and wants to have success in bonding with her, but all she does is run away from him. He's at his wits' end and feels like he'll never be able to bond with her. What does he do?
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Re: My Disabled Husband Needs Help

Post by JudyN »

He needs to back off. If there was a scary monster in the house with me and someone lifted me up and put me in it's arms, I'd be petrified. Not that I'm saying that your husband is a scary monster, of course!

If I were him, I'd only be giving the odd low-key friendly greeting, and not approaching her but letting her approach me. I would eat something delicious and strong-smelling, and occasionally say her name and throw some in her direction. After a while, she should look up expectantly when he says her name. He could then throw the treat a little less far, so she has to approach just by a foot - then gradually reduce the distance until he can hand her the treat. He could even try smearing something like peanut butter or liver paste on his hand so she will stay by him longer as she licks it off. But he needs to go at her pace - if she's taking the food and darting away then he needs to go back to throwing it to a distance she's comfortable with.

he has to move around the house, of course, and he may just have to ignore her barking. But I would suggest, as soon as he does something that signals he's going to move (does it make a sound when powered up, or he could move it just an inch?), he throws a treat for her in a direction away from the chair. This could work on two levels - she learns that him starting up the chair is a good thing, and he is moving her into a position where she can feel more comfortable when he moves.

Don't expect quick results - if there's no instant improvement, keep it up and look back after a week or so and see if you've made any progress at all.

I'm not an expert - others may have better ideas - but hope that helps :D
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Re: My Disabled Husband Needs Help

Post by Ari_RR »

Guys, it's only been 4 weeks or so... Seriously - the slower you go, the faster you will get there. Back off, don't call her, don't lure or coax her, let her first feel safe, then develop curiosity, and then she will come to him on her own.. Any time you directly (by force) or indirectly (by coaxing) force her into a situation which she can't handle - it's a set back...

She can even appear OK with him for a couple of minutes while she is focusing on a treat, but then the treat is gone and then AHHHH!!!! I AM TOO CLOSE, SCARY, SCARY, ALARM!!! HELP!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! and she runs off...

And also - don't confuse being quiet with being happy... If you bring her to him against her protests, she may be just too scared to really bark or run, she may just shut down and appear quiet and resigned, but its anything but happy... (This by the way happens to many dogs at the vet)

Just let things run their course, give her time and space, go at her pace, and it will be fine.
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Re: My Disabled Husband Needs Help

Post by gwd »

bluejedi79 wrote: He's at his wits' end and feels like he'll never be able to bond with her. What does he do?
pour him a glass of wine and tell him to relax. i know he's bummed that it's not a instant love connection, but it will happen......and it will happen (like with most woman) on HER terms! :lol:

as the others have said, don't force it. let it be organic. luring her to him will slow the she toy motivated? play motivated? if so i'd suggest a flirt pole so that they can have some fun games with him stationary but at a distance she's comfortable. or perhaps a tug toy but one with a rope attached so that she can engage in play a bit further away from the chair.
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Re: My Disabled Husband Needs Help

Post by bluejedi79 »

She is heavily food motivated. I've tried one of those high pitched dog whistles on her. She ignores it. I've tried a clicker on her. It got to be where it scared her so bad she'd run off with a scared look in her eyes whimpering. So, I no longer use it.

Toys? The ones that squeak scare her. The ones that dont-she has no idea what the heck to do with them. She'll sniff em long enough to realize a treat/goodie isn't involved and then she looses interest.

Every other dog we've had-super easy to train. Instant connection to both of us. They gobbled down whatever we put in their bowl. They would worship the ground we walked upon from moment one. Kiki-not so much. I know she loves me, but it's hard knowing her reaction to hubby.

Kiki has this powerful connection to me. She's a mamma's girl. And a JRT at heart. Ignores me when I'm home. Misses me like mad when I'm not.

I think she may still be stressed out, trying to figure out everyone and everything. Most of the time she'll still stay on my mom's bed-quietest part of our house, on the blanket we got her curled up sleeping. Or just laying there with her ears half up and her eyes closed. A lot of times she'll just make these low grunts, like she's annoyed with us for paying attention to her.

I know, I know, give it time.

I'm slowly seeing bits and pieces of life in her eyes. I have a very strong feeling she was abused for most of her life before us. Not abused per say, but not taken very well care off. I wish I knew the extent of how she was treated. I know she was with a hoarder, but I don't know the extent of the hoarding or the gender of the person who owned her before. I know she was a formal owner surrender and they called her hyper and she was with the shelter/boarding facility for four months.

I don't see it being so much as hyper-I see her hyperness as being a mask for fear, anxiety and a whole lot of uncertainty. Heck, there's times where I hold her wrong and she yelps and is scared of me for a while. There's times I'll move to quick for her and she'll have this terrified look in her eyes and I try to tell her I'm sorry.

I know it may sound weird, but I can see in her eyes she's got a heart of gold, a deep soul, a lot of life, she desperately wants to trust all of us and a lot of love to give. I just wish she would start trusting us sooner than later.

We're not going to give up on her and we're gonna keep trying and give it time.
A dog is the only Earthly creature that has the soul of a philosopher, the wisdom of the Deli Llama, the heart of an Angel and the grace of a Saint.
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Re: My Disabled Husband Needs Help

Post by Ari_RR »

Take a look at this post -> viewtopic.php?f=11&t=12948&start=2280#p116611
An example of a fearful JRT starting to really trust her humans. Great stuff. You will get there too.
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