Introducing a new puppy to my cat

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Introducing a new puppy to my cat

Post by Tark »

I currently have an 18 month old cat but am getting an 8 week old Border Terrier in a weeks time.

What is the best way to introduce the cat to the new arrival? The cat has been around an older (12 years old) border terrier in the past and acts fine. If anything the cat was the boss and the Dog would get out of its bed and the cat take over!

I just want to make sure it is a good experience for both so they get on in the future and the Dog isn't put off cats for life.

The cat can be kept away from where the dog will sleep, rest in his crate, eat and house train etc etc but I don't want to keep the Dog enclosed in a room with shut dorrs and also the cat is used to having the run of the whole house. I would like to use a child gate so that the dog is not enclosed behind dorrs but then the cat would be able to get in and out as he pleases.

Any ideas or previous experiences would be great!
Buster the Border Terrier
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Post by Mollysmom »

the pup is young enough i think you could probably just let the cat handle things. They're pretty good about letting a dog know to back off... Tender noses+ Sharp claws= lesson learned on where not to stick nose.

I introduced the cat to the dog, opposite scenerio, first thing to do is introduce the "stuff" first. I brought in a litter box and litter, cat toys and a scratching post and let the dog sniff the new stuff and get used to it for a couple days, we also cut back on the doggy spoiling for about 2 wks prior to the cat being home, she got attention, food and exercise, but no more sitting on mummies lap or snuggling up in the bed with mum and dad on saturday mornings. (bear in mind the dog gets her weight and size from the malamute side of her genetic pool) when the kitten came home Molly thought he was her baby, she licked and whined and fussed over him, but he was a tough shelter kitty and made her nose bleed first off.
we had to intervene a few times with a "Leave it" or a "Easy!" when the playing got too rambunctious but they got on great.

I think it's best to let the cat judge the relationship, if you have a playful loving cat then you'll have a dog who gets rubbed and snuggled regardless of any rough play. if your cat is the more aloof type it might take some time for your pup to realize that the funny looking dog doesn't like to play.

others may have more genius ideas but Molly and Tank are best buds now (and yes, the dog will often be caught sleeping on the floor whilst the cat sleeps on her big old doggy pillow) I could go on for days about the play sessions those two have, lets just say I've laughed so hard I've cried on more than one occasion.
~* Proud Mommy of a Mix Breed *~
[url=]Molly's Myspace Page[/url]
"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." - Unknown
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Post by Milo&Oliver »

Mollysmom....thanks so much!! We're adding a puppy to a house with 2 cats and that makes me feel a lot better. Oliver was our first and then we added Milo about 5 months later (but they are the same age). Oliver was not happy at first but Milo was totally not bothered by Oliver's hissing. After a week or so of a little rough play fighting, they are the best of friends. So I'm hoping since the dog won't get much bigger than they are (mini doxie) that everything will work out.
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Post by Mollysmom »

I'm sure your cats will have that pup walking a straight line before the week is out :wink: haha

definitely make sure the cat always has someplace puppy proof to go to hide, and keep the cats food dish and wotnot up high where the dog can't get at it. We got a plastic storage shelf thing for Tank's food and water dish, and he has our big king size bed to hide under when waiting for Molly's unsuspecting heels to go by, He has also figured out how to open the glass door on our shower and hides in there and in one of the cabinets in the kitchen... Poor dog gets ambushed regularly.
~* Proud Mommy of a Mix Breed *~
[url=]Molly's Myspace Page[/url]
"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." - Unknown
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Post by Milo&Oliver »

Thanks! We definitely will. The cat food is currently in the kitchen floor but we'll be moving that gradually to a room that will have a gate the cats can get over but the dog can't. So not only will the dog not be able to eat their food but the cats will have a room to themselves (it's a guest bedroom so it has their litterbox and a comfy bed they love lying on and under). :D
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Post by Tark »

Here they are:

Buster and Fudge. Buster just having a sleep in his crate and Fudge just investigating to see what's going on:


Now they have been lickin geach other, rolling around together and have the odd bat with the paws. They do seem to be getting on well enough, although I wont be leaving them unsupervised just yet!

Here they are with Mandy:

Buster the Border Terrier
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Post by Mollysmom »

excellent! Thanks SO much for the update! looks like you've got a pretty laid back cat
And Buster is cuter than a bug's ear.
(I would however put that Wii remote and nunchuck away!)
~* Proud Mommy of a Mix Breed *~
[url=]Molly's Myspace Page[/url]
"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." - Unknown
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Post by Tark »

Buster is getting pretty good at the Wii Sports. lol.

Thanks for the compliments. When the dog is wanting some play time he does flop about on the cat, lick him and play but the cat soon tells him when he has had enough! No claws out yet but a few bats across the head.
Buster the Border Terrier
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