Introducing a new puppy to my cat

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Introducing a new puppy to my cat

Post by Tark »

I currently have an 18 month old cat but am getting an 8 week old Border Terrier in a weeks time.

What is the best way to introduce the cat to the new arrival? The cat has been around an older (12 years old) border terrier in the past and acts fine. If anything the cat was the boss and the Dog would get out of its bed and the cat take over!

I just want to make sure it is a good experience for both so they get on in the future and the Dog isn't put off cats for life.

The cat can be kept away from where the dog will sleep, rest in his crate, eat and house train etc etc but I don't want to keep the Dog enclosed in a room with shut dorrs and also the cat is used to having the run of the whole house. I would like to use a child gate so that the dog is not enclosed behind dorrs but then the cat would be able to get in and out as he pleases.

Any ideas or previous experiences would be great!
Buster the Border Terrier
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