Non Linear Dogs

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Non Linear Dogs

Post by Carrie »

This is very long, very detailed and can be read in segments if anyone's interested. But it should help clarify why basing the way we view, interact with and train dogs should not have it's basis in pack theory, assuming dogs view us as "pack" members, wolf (another animal)behavior, dominance or...(lol) stubborness...why simply learning theory is the most parsimonious answer. Undertraining or ineffective training is the cause for misbehavior, not all these other irrelevant sources.
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Post by Missymay »

I love this study.

i'll admit, I am still slightly on the fence with pack thoery. I mean, since dogs can't tell us, we really are just interpreting behavior, right?

But given the fact that the part of the brain resposible for symbolic thinking is underdevloped in dogs, one must question if they even have the ability to think in hierarchies.

And even if they do, I'm not a dog and my dogs are smart enough to know the difference.
Kim and Asher

“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotionâ€
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Post by Mollysmom »

I have a happy little hybrid theory on the pack mentality.

Dogs know we're not dogs, and the ones who think we're just funny looking dogs are getting wiser everyday (I catch mine watching me with borderline suspicion now and again)
People know dogs aren't people... well Ok, MOST people know dog's aren't people...
I think the problem between dog's and people is a lot like the problems between two human groups who don't speak the same language
it's all about the effort put in.

there's people who feel that if they just talk LOUDER that the other person will understand.

then there's the people who really think they know the language and make a total arse of themselves

then there are those of us, who don't know the language, but make an honest effort at speaking it, slowly, and with many apologies for blunders.

I do believe that with enough serious study of a dog, and dogs in a pack setting that a human may be able to interpret and replicate dog behavior or language in a way that the dog will understand and respect.
I also believe that if you work on a relationship based on fundamental trust, that your dog will try to learn your language also (besides, sausages are pretty durn tasty and I'd learn another language for them also!)

However there are far too many people who get "gung-ho" about the whole pack theory (myself included in the past) and come off a bit... Napoleon-ish. No one wants to listen to someone who can't speak your language, but shouts and grumps and is completely mental. I've seen more dogs traumatized by over-zealous "Pack Leaders"...

so after a fashion I do believe in the pack theory, but we're human, not dogs, we're not part of the pack... we're just trying to speak the language without the aid of interpreters, so we use smiles, food and hand gestures when appropriate and frowns, stern voices and redirection when necessary.

Interesting article :)
~* Proud Mommy of a Mix Breed *~
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"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." - Unknown
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