Severe Weather Supplies

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Severe Weather Supplies

Post by Appa_valley »

We had some pretty severe weather this past week in my neck of the woods, in light of this I was wondering what you kind people would put into a pet supply kit. Obviously food and water, but what else?
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by dontpugme »

For an emergency pet supply kit, I would put (other than food and water) an emergency leash and harness, extra tags, copies of vet records, my information, lost dog signs with a picture, doggy first aid kit, a jar of baby food, a towel, something to remove ticks, gentle soap, rescue remedy?, a bowl, a muzzle?, a big and a small flashlight, a blanket

I would put that in something waterproof and stick it in max's crate.
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by Flyby »

It depends what weather you're preparing for, but I'm guessing it's snow.

Nothing to add except a packet of anti-hystemine tablets for allergies and hay fever etc. Don't pay for a fortune for a vet's supply, just get the human ones at the pharmacy. You apparently cannot overdose on anti hystemines. My big dog Odin took an allergic reaction to 'something', and allergies always have potential to cause your dog to go into shock, which can get nasty very quickly, so just in case, I keep a packet of anti-hystemines around. Even if your dog isn't allergic to anything you know, there's always first time for a new allergy, and if you're out in the sticks, it could all go horribly wrong just for the want of a couple of tablets.

I'd add a notepad and a pencil. It might not be the dog who needs the help and you could give him a message to carry.

If you're going through rough country, take a bed sheet. If your dog goes lame or injures himself you may need to carry him.

Again, depending where you are, food and water might need a stove if there's a likelihood of it freezing solid overnight. Best emergency first aid kit in the world is a cup of tea.

Food warmth and shelter are your priorities.

Edit - If it's really cold, you might want to have snowshoes for your dogs pads. My dogs are quite happy down to -10, but below that walking is unpleasant for them.
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by dontpugme »

Wow...I automatically thought "hurricane" in my head because you all know I pretty much never see snow. :lol: :lol: :oops: :roll: :lol: :lol: Really shows how environment affects your thinking.

We've had to evacuate a few times in the past couple of years with max, and I wish we had been more prepared. If I could go back to those times (although I hope we never have to), those would be the things I'd bring.
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by Ari_RR »

A beacon - a small bright blinking red light that you attach to the dog's harness or collar so you and others can see him in the dark if the lights are out.
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by Appa_valley »

Wow, thanks everybody! I hadn't even thought to include most of what is suggested.

I wish it was snow that we were getting. This past week we had an EF-3 tornado come through our county. There had been a total of 300 tornado warnings sent out (not sure how many actual tornadoes) and alot of people lost their homes. It was almost as bad as last April. And it is only the beginning of March, worried about what next month will bring...
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by MPbandmom »

Tornadoes were what immediately came to my mind when you said severe weather. We are outside of the area that has been getting hit, but we are not immune to them around here and our house doesn't have a basement. I have often read about having emergency kits ready to go, but I have never prepared one. Having dontpugme post a list from experience and with the recent storms, I'm thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea to have something ready for just in case.
Grammy to Sky and Sirius, who came to live with me, stole my heart, and changed my life forever as I took over their care and learned how to be a dog owner.
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by doggiedad »

are you and the dog carrying a pack?
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by wvvdiup1 »

You know, I think this thread should be a "sticky" thread at the top of this General Chat section, along with the First Aid thread (and others), because of the good ideas and things we should keep in emergencies and severe weather! 8)
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by bendog »

One thing I'd include in a survival pack (both human and dog) is a tarpualin and rope, you can use it to wrap the pack and keep stuff dry, and then you have something to shelter from the rain beneath as well, and it can double up as a sling to carry dog on if it gets injured.

First aid kit is a necessity - I'd include Rescue Remedy, bandages, non stick dressing pads, an antiseptic cream, antihistamine tablets, small nail scissors (incase you need to trim fur away from a wound), tape or pins to secure bandages, tweezers.

Photos of your dog, or lost posters like dontpugme suggested. Worst case scenerio and you and your dog get seperated then you need to be able to prove he is yours.

I'd have a spare leash, not just incase yours gets lost, but also, you may come across other stray/lost dogs that need help.

Bowl for giving water (probably a collapsible one for ease of carrying)

Torch (and spare batteries)

Possibly a raincoat, or fleece jacket for the dog if it's cold.
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by Appa_valley »

Thanks, everybody. I'll make sure to gather everything. Thankfully, we have a basement that we can take shelter in. We had 11 people, 3 dogs, and one cat down there with us. Amazingly, our power never went out!
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Re: Severe Weather Supplies

Post by jacksdad »

Ari_RR wrote:A beacon ....
at first glance I though you said A Bacon... to which I thought..."wow, ari is sure lucky to have you packing his emergency supplies" :lol:
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