Feeding Dogs once or twice a day?

Discussion dedicated to promoting the well-being of your dog through diet, exercise and general health tips.

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Feeding Dogs once or twice a day?

Post by FBTgirl »

So, Pheobie never really over eats so her food is always sitting down. I want to start training Pheobie to eat when I put the food down because we go to ND for 3 months out of the year and the 2 dogs we go with eat like that. Pheobie never wants to eat like that though. Any Ideas?
Pheobie my Terror
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free feeding

Post by joji732 »

I just transitioned my dog, Rusty, from free feeding to scheduled feeding twice a day. By adding just a bit of canned food to his diet, he took to the new routine like a champ. And it had the added benefit that he doesn't drink as much water so he doesn't have to pee as often (a great thing since all of our potty breaks involve a walk because we don't have a fenced yard.)
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Post by emilysouthwest »

Adding a bit of canned food--or maybe some egg yolk or even plain yogurt-- should catch her interest. Just leave the food out for 10-20 minutes at a time and then take it up and refrigerate for later if she has not eaten all the contents of her bowl. After a while she will learn that she has to eat when the food goes down because it won't stay there forever. Don't worry, she won't starve herself. You can even transition her slowly by feeding three small meals a day for a week or two and then moving to two (or one) feedings.
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