Urgent Hekp Please?

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Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by Moobear »

Hello all

I have been on here before with my terrorists and GSD. Problem now is a couple of days a fornight l have my 2 1/2 year old grandaaughter over for both days as my dil works partime. They now have 13 week yorkie puppy who we also have to babysit, I certainluy dont mindd as l llove the pair of them.

Problem is that today was the first time l have had the pup and it has not gone as well as l had hoped. My GSD ***** plays with the pup and is fine, my other girl just keeps away from the pup and basically ignores him, but both boys (terriers) show real aggression to the poor thing. One of them pinned the pup down and grabbed him by the neck making him shriek in fear. I have introduced them all separately but the boys just don;t like the situatio one bit.

i suggested to m husband that it might be an idea to muzzle the boys and just let them all move arond together but he says no and is not coming up with any ideas of his own.
My son and his family like to come over regularly and of course we have family gatherings in which l am sure they will want tp bring their own dog over too. i don't want to have the dogs segragated either.

I know its early days but l dont want to put this pup in any danger and completely wreck any future relationships these dogs might have. Alao l nively thought that no dogs would be so aggressive to such a small puppy. He is wven smaller than my guinea pigs.

If anyone has any advice please comment.

Thanks Mo :o(

Best Wishes xxx Moo and the Mutts :)
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Re: Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by Nettle »

You have to keep the terriers away from the yorkie pup for good. They are likely to kill it. They are terriers, there are two of them, and the pup is small and helpless.

Not the answer you'd hoped for, but that's how it is, sadly.
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Re: Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by ladybug1802 »

What about putting a baby gate up and keeping them on separate sides of it for a while, so they can see each other and the terriers can start to get used to the pup? Not sure if it is what others would reocmmend or not, but just an idea. If it carries on the pup is likely to have issues with other dogs when it is older which obviously is not what you want!
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Re: Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by Mattie »

The puppy noises that the pup makes sounds like prey to terriers, for the pup's safety you must keep him away from the terriers. I had to keep my Greyhound away from Yorkies because he thought of them as prey.

Use dog gates between the rooms but put something at the bottom of them so the pup can't squeeze through, this will keep them seperate and still have lots of room to move. If no gates keep the doors closed.
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Re: Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by Moobear »

Thankyou for your replies.

I will definatley keep the pup away from the boys. I have dog gates downstairs to stop the dogs getting to the cats and up the stairs so will make good use of them.

do you think this is something that might change as the pup becomes older? Mind you he is never going to be as big as they are as he is a teeny one. At the moment he is sitting on my rightside on the sofa and the boys keep having a look but l am just stroking them if they behave as the pup is fast asleep. Any sort of noise and they are on the floor.

Today l have kept them apart fairly easily. They are happy enough to have have the litleone use a crate in the sitting room and they are going about their own business - maybe that is avoidance - l don't know. luckily the weather has been good and the dogs have been playing outside a lot. Obviously l am extra cauious when l have my GD over and never leave her alone with any of my dogs even though they are happy iwth her, so l am extra vigilant with the pup too.

I always thought that all dogs were careful of pups and my GSD is brilliant but l suppose it is the terrior and the prey drive that matters. Os ther anything l can do that could change things in the future. I am hoping that as time passes, they will just get used to him being around.

The other thing l want to ask is the week when l am not having the pup and GD - they will be going over to the other grandparents. Now they have the brother and sister of this pup (same litter) but they have had them since they were 8 weeks old and so they have been together for 5 weeks. i think the other GParents are planning on all 3 sleeping together in the utlitary room. Could there be a problem there. For a start it is a lot for this pup tp take with 3 spearate homes, not very stable even though it is only for 2 days a week. What is the best that can be done for him bearing in mind that 2 full days a week, he needs to be taken care of as they are out from 6 till 8pm. They drop the 2 of them on their way to work if the pup goes tp the other GPs, the 2 of them will go away from Sunday afternoon and come back on Wednesday.
Must go they have turnedup now xxx Mo

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Re: Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by emmabeth »

Definitely keep them seperate - I do find adult male dogs DO find small puppies very unnerving and worrying, and in terriers thats highly likely to translate to 'get rid of it'.

Muzzling them and leaving them to it would do no good, they would still bully the pup and do him harm and he would still eventually grow up fearing and hating them back.

When pup is a grown up too things MAY change, but don't bank on it. If they are seperated now whatever way is safe, and the only time they spend together is when they go for walks and so are on leads they may learn to associate his presence with calm, with fun and rewards and nothing else, so that could help.

As far as this pup being mixed up by the various different homes and routines - yep, could happen and could cause some issues. If all three houses could attempt to keep the same routines or some major elements the same, that would help a lot.
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Re: Urgent Hekp Please?

Post by Moobear »

Thanks Emmabeth

I definately will keep them separate - they will be able to each observe the pup and l have asked his Mum to bring some toys of his own for him to play with in the crate. he is a very friendly pup and wants to play adn l would hate him growing.
up being scared of all dogs (except GSD bitches it seems).I will ditch the idea of muzzles too.

My youngest dog is 3 today so all the little ones are 3 and the GSD has just turned 6 a couple of weeks ago. I was hoping to get anpother pup in a couple of years but have changed my idea on that one. i have to be sensible as l did get 3 of the little horrors in the space of 5 months - hence the problems. My GSD was a family rescue and l have had loads of problems with the JR and her. They do play (0nly after 9 months of hell) and walk around each other most of the time but at least once a day WW3 breaks out. Today the stress levels have risen for everyone and we have had both boys snapping at the girls.
Tomorrow l should start the day better as l know what to expet nopw. I am gettting a larger crate from my sister = big enough to hold all 3 of the little ones (this is for the pup only when l have stuff to do and can't keep such a close eye on them all.

Although it is a bit disappointing that the boys have not hit it off (my niavitty l'm afraid) we will have to do the best we can so thankyou everyone who has helped as it probably has saved me from making a huge mistake and has saved the little ones life ,
I will let you know how its all going xxx Moo

Best Wishes xxx Moo and the Mutts :)
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