Dog Ready for a Head Collar?

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Dog Ready for a Head Collar?

Post by emilysouthwest »

Greetings! I have an 8 month-old female Samoyed who, up till now, has been walked with a halti. however, she has recently been having some issues with one of her shoulders and I suspect the halti might be putting pressure on the shoulder to exacerbate the pain. Because she is a bit of a puller and has taken to darting from time to time, the regular collar really has not worked too well for her. Also, one time she maneuvered her head out of the collar when my husband was walking her.

So, I have been thinking of starting her on a head collar, maybe the Gentle Leader. But is she old enough at just 8-months? Anyway, I just wanted some feedback on this question because I have only ever seen adult dogs wear the head collar. Also, any tips on getting her started would be much appreciated.
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Post by Mattie »

I don't like anything on a dog's head, it controls the head but not the body and the dog can leap around doing a lot of damage to their neck.

I walk all my dogs on a tracking/trail style harness, this gives control of the dog's body although the head is free, it doesn't do as much damage to a dog. Even a collar can do a lot of damage to a dog's neck.

There is a thread in Methods on teaching a dog to walk on a loose lead, it isn't difficult but you do need to do it in very short sessions.

I transport all types of dogs, Rotties, Huskies, Mastiffs etc from the pound to safety, many haven't a clue about walking on a lead, I have all of them on harnesses for safety and have more control over them.
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Post by emilysouthwest »

Yes, I prefer the harness as well and that is what she has been trained on since she was little, but the problem is that I'm pretty sure the harness--at least the one that she has had recently--is putting excess pressure on her injured shoulder. Really, the shoulder is my concern more than the pulling. She is not strong enough to pull me around and is already almost at her full size, so this is more of a health issue than a training issue--that is why I asked about the head collar. Otherwise, I would keep her on the harness. So, since you are opposed to the head collar, can you think of a harness style that would not be tugging at the shoulder?
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Post by emilysouthwest »

Actually, it looks like a trail-style harness might work as the pressure seems to fall primarily against the chest vs. the shoulders. I had her on a plain adjustable harness where much of the pressure went against the shoulders, I think.
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Post by emilysouthwest »

Probably a better topic for the "Tools" forum;)
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Re: Dog Ready for a Head Collar?

Post by Gershep1 »

emilysouthwest wrote:So, I have been thinking of starting her on a head collar, maybe the Gentle Leader. But is she old enough at just 8-months? Anyway, I just wanted some feedback on this question because I have only ever seen adult dogs wear the head collar. Also, any tips on getting her started would be much appreciated.
Lots of young puppies wear Gentle Leaders in puppy training classes. Start her off with treats (nose through the GL, get a treat). Be sure to have the GL fitted properly and use it gently --- guiding, not pulling, as if you were leading a horse. It helps a lot to train the "watch me" behavior with treats with or without the GL on and use that if she wants to pull; otherwise, turn around if she pulls the same way you would if she was wearing a collar. Always use the GL for something she likes when you begin. If she loves to go for walks, the GL means a walk, etc.
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Post by Mattie »

emilysouthwest wrote:Actually, it looks like a trail-style harness might work as the pressure seems to fall primarily against the chest vs. the shoulders. I had her on a plain adjustable harness where much of the pressure went against the shoulders, I think.

The trail style harness the strap goes either side of the neck and not round the chest like most harnesses do. There shouldn't be any pressure on her shoulder with a trail style harness. You also have the added security of the strap on top, you can hold that with will lift the chest so no pressure on her shoulder.

I can't understand putting things on a pup's head to control it when all it needs is training. These are not training aids but to give the owner more control, a pup should never need this and to put them on automatically when there isn't a problem is asking for problems to develop. :cry:
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