Is my dog pregnant?

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Is my dog pregnant?

Post by GreyhoundLover111 »

My dog Mae Mae is a Daschund/Italian Greyhound mix who is about over a year old now. Is she pregnant or just going through a phase. Yesterday she was completely normal. Her favorite thing to do is rip apart stuffed animals. One of our cat toys which is shaped like a fuzzy bird and chirps when it is squeezed, was laying out and I stuck it away a while back. Apparently late last night my mom said she found it and was acting very strange. She was holding it in her mouth whimpering and licking it. She wont let anyone touch it and if you do or pick her up she shakes faster than a earthquake. She wont leave my moms side and will rarely ever put it down. When I got home I never seen her like this. She was perfectly fine last night and then out of no where she's acting like a wacko. When the sound went out she freaked out but luckily it came back on. She is whimpering alot with it in her mouth like its a puppy and wont go outside to pee. She has gotton out of our yard before and we just solved that problem a couple days ago. We were just about to make a date to get her spayed this week. She was in heat around December 15 and i think it ended around January 5. She has gotton a flabby belly a while ago and her teets did fill out a bit more. I assumed that was normal since she eats a lot and we havnt exercised her in quite a while so i thought it was just fat. My mom thinks she is pregnant. I am hoping to god she is not. Is this a sign that she is practicing? Is this just a phase? Will she ever go back to normal soon? My mom say's not to take away the toy. I think we should take it away. What do you guys think? And if she is pregnant how long until she gives birth?

**Update**- We took her out in the car and into Petco which did help get her mind of the toy enough to leave it in the car when we got back home. Now she is back to normal since I never brought the toy back in and its not on her mind. Is this just a false prenancy or something.
Last edited by GreyhoundLover111 on Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is my dog pregnant?

Post by Ari_RR »

I wouldn't take her toy.... I think taking the toy away may stress her out, for what purpose? But I have no idea, maybe it's false pregnancy?
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Re: Is my dog pregnant?

Post by gwd »

GreyhoundLover111 wrote:She was in heat around December 15 and i think it ended around January 5. My mom say's not to take away the toy. I think we should take it away. What do you guys think? And if she is pregnant how long until she gives birth?
had she gotten out of your yard while she was in season? were you leaving her in the yard unsupervised?

assuming you're accurate about the first day of her season, was she out alone anytime between christmas and new years eve? ......if so, there is a possibility she's pregnant. she'd be due to whelp anytime between today and the first few days of march

and your mom is right, don't take her toy. it's possible she's experiencing a false pregnancy which will pass but taking her toy is just going to stress her.
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