The newest four-legged addition to the White House has arrived - a female Portuguese Water Dog named "Sunny." Sunny joins "First Dog" Bo, who is almost five years old, alongside the Obama family. Sunny will no doubt be mentored by her seasoned four-legged housemate who has made quite an international impression. Bo conducts visits with soldiers at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and serves as one of the most frequent targets of White House photographers.
Bo and Sunny are stunning dogs and make quite a pair, and the Obama family's decision to welcome a second Portuguese Water Dog into their home will certainly generate interest in the breed.
Although these dogs are beautiful and can make wonderful pets, it's important to consider a few variables before following in the Obamas' footsteps.
Should your next dog be a Portuguese water dog?
- Portuguese Water dogs are active and highly athletic dogs. This breed is not for the couch potato owner.
- They require extensive daily exercise and activity to keep them well-balanced.
- Highly attentive and intelligent, Portuguese Water Dogs excel in dog sports and obedience training, but without mental stimulation may become bored and destructive.
- Their coat requires regular maintenance; grooming costs must be considered.