Impossible Dog

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Impossible Dog

Post by leanne84 »

Dear All,

I really hope that someone could provide me with some advice. My partner's family own a German Shepherd who is 2 1/2 years old. The dog is only friendly with people he knew as a puppy. We have tried on several occasions to 'introduce me' to the dog, whereby the dog will be on a lead with a muzzle on in the lounge (both are necessary), when he stops barking we use correct tones and tell him he's a good boy. Unfortunately, we dont really seem to moving anywhere very quickly with this. He is affected by me looking at him or any movement I make.

The situation is impossible, deliveries cant be made as no one can ring the door bell, he barks non-stop as soon as he hears my voice, visitors have to be sectioned into different areas of the house from him. The dog is aggressive towards young children and can sometimes attack members of the family (including those he knew as a puppy) should the 'mood' occur.

Im not sure if its a territorial issue as he is just as aggressive outside of the house on walks as he is within the home.

Please help.

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Re: Impossible Dog

Post by Fundog »

Can you give us any more detailed description about what kinds of events seem to trigger these aggression episodes? For instance, you mentioned he reacts to sounds. What else? And just exactly what does he do to manifest this aggression?

As far as advice, first thing is to get the dog in to the vet for a complete check, including bloodwork (thyroid, in particular), and make sure to get a good look inside his mouth for possible toothaches, check to see if he has pain anywhere else on his body. Pain can make a dog very grumpy, as can a hormonal imbalance.

For introducing you to the dog: These things take time, and sometimes it takes a looong time, just as it does with people meeting new people. When you go over there, pretend the dog does not exist-- no touch, no talk, no eye contact. Do not look at the dog, do not speak to the dog, do not attempt to touch the dog or lure him over to you. Make sure your face is averted from his direction-- if that means you cannot make eye contact with the people you are visiting with, then that's what has to be for now.

I'm going to leave the rest up to some of the folks who have more experience with this, but that should give you a start.
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Re: Impossible Dog

Post by Nettle »

Very important advice there.

Now what we need to know is a typical day in that dog's life. When fed, what fed, when walked, when trained, what and how trained, where he sleeps etc.
A dog is never bad or naughty - it is simply being a dog

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