Victoria/Cesar stand off!!

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Victoria vs Cesar

Post by Bama »

JBlover wrote:I watch both shows. IMO, both shows are beneficial despite displaying different training techniques. There are so many horrible dog owners and both shows profile such. As mentioned, often it is the owners who are the problem, not the dog. In that respect, both shows identify techniques that teach the owners how to do SOMETHING to correct their dogs behaviors.

The people who post on this board are NOT your average viewer. They are more informed, and are able to see the benefits of Victorias training versus Cesar's. However, outside of this board, with the hordes of idiot dog owners, although Victorias training is much preferred, Cesars has a place too. These owners need to learn to correct their own behavior and both shows teach that.

Oh, and Victoria rocks those sexy boots!

I agree with you whole-heartedly. I also watch both shows. While I prefer Victoria's methods, I still take away something from Cesar's shows too.

And several in this thread have mentioned that he says women don't make good pack leaders, I never heard him say that, exactly. I do remember one particular show where he said that women are typically the caregivers in the family and that leading may not come naturally to them (not a quote). I do not recall him saying that a woman couldn't be a good pack leader. If he believed this, why would he bother to take on any cases with woman owners?
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Re: Victoria vs Cesar

Post by HenrysDad »

Bama wrote: I do remember one particular show where he said that women are typically the caregivers in the family and that leading may not come naturally to them (not a quote).
Even if that's not a direct quote, it's still disgustingly sexist, and Milan is disgusting for even thinking that!
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Post by cindynok »


I agree that Cesar's remark is sexist but remember he is not a citizen of the US by birth. Just like his so called watching the dogs, on Grandfathers farm, he comes from a different culture. He was only on that farm until he was 6 years old. He was raised in the city! He has been able to "BS" his way thru, reading and imitating old training methods..
I am not defending him!
Just stating that his views may not be main stream American. That is all.

Does anyone know why is Dog Center is closed and what happened to all the dogs?
It says on his site it is closed.

I look for him to be the center of many law suits in the future.
Cindy from Oklahoma
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Re: Victoria vs Cesar

Post by Noobs »

HenrysDad wrote:
Bama wrote: I do remember one particular show where he said that women are typically the caregivers in the family and that leading may not come naturally to them (not a quote).
Even if that's not a direct quote, it's still disgustingly sexist, and Milan is disgusting for even thinking that!
It's not only not a direct quote, it's an out-and-out misquote. But it doesn't matter. This thread is old, as are his methods, and this topic has been pounded into the ground on this forum ad nauseum.
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Post by BoardHost »

Guys, please watch the tone of things here - no personal attacks.
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Post by Noobs »

My bad, no offense meant to anyone. :?
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