Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

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Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

Post by Noodles1 »

Our dog keeps putting the brakes on when we try to walk her down certain streets. I think that it was my fault because I once had to drag her down a road she didn't like to get home and since then she's developed this odd habit. It obviously makes walking her very difficult and sometimes means we have to carry her in order to get anywhere. How can we calm her down or stop her from doing this? We have tried rewarding her with praise when she walks normally and it doesn't seem to make any difference - if anything she's getting worse! Help!
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Re: Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

Post by runlikethewind »

There are a few things you could try: First of all you do need to make sure it is 'just the street' and nothing on these streets which is upsetting her - people? cars? dogs?, bikes?mailbox?. etc etc as you will need to work at a distance of 'these things' and not the street in general. So can you elaborate? It is likely to be something common on these streets which she is nervous and fearful of.

These things should be done when you have time and not when rushing. You just need 1 min to start with on the first day. Build it up to 2 mins the next day and so on: Small steps lead to big improvements! No more picking up and no more flooding her :-)

1) Trying laying a trail of five - ten rewards out on the ground in front of her. If she knows a game, you can say, ready steady, let's go! You are not strictly bribing her but rewarding forward movement. As soon as you feel she can no longer go forwards, go back to a shorter distance in the street and then end the game there! Walk backwards immediately and leave the street and walk back another way so she is left wanting more. Remember to heap as much praise and reward during the game.

2) If you have identified what it is that is actually upsetting her, stand at a distance to whatever it is and feed her lots of yummy tiny rewards for showing calmness and bravery. Move slowly forward but at her own pace and you must not pull her, allow her to walk at her pace and reward all the time as she is looking at whatever is upsetting her. Similar to the above but less 'bribery' If she stops, you stop with her - look carefully at her body language and if she is worried, move back to a further distance and reward again there. Always end the game where she is feeling brave and confident.

3) Stand at the beginning of the street in question and watch her as she is looking at the street at whatever it is worrying her. Wait for her to look away, look down or generally faff about and then say yes good girl! then walk away immediately with her (that being her reward which is to walk away from the scary thing; a sort of reverse psychology! Repeat forwards and retreats in very small steps - say 5 repetitions. Only a couple of minutes each day. You should find she will start to walk with you further and further down the road. You can't really mix 3 with 1 or 2 so choose one and have a go individually.

Try to avoid these streets in the meantime - so avoid flooding her (this also means not picking her to up to walk down the street as the fear will still be there)

Others will be here to advise. BTW you don't mention any use of treats as rewards (only praise). She should be 'paid' for her efforts by way of treats, praise is not enough for most dogs. By using treats (in 1 and 2) as rewards you are re-associating scary things with good things happening.
Last edited by runlikethewind on Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

Post by JudyN »

Could it also be something to do with the destination? Does she tend to stop on the way to anywhere in particular, or on the way home?

I'm dealing with this with my dog too, and what doesn't help is that sometimes I think it may be fear but other times I think he's just decided where he wants to go. I'm copping out for the next couple of days and taking him to where I can let him off lead in the car, but will be very interested in replies!
Jasper, lurcher, born December 2009
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Re: Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

Post by bendog »

It could just be something that's spooking her.

My dog the other day refused to walk on the field where we walk every single day. I think there was someone doing some DIY in a garden nearby that he could hear, either way, he went so far then stopped and gave me a worried look and asked to go back, so we did. The next day he walked on the field again no problem.

I wouldn't try and coax her or drag her down these streets if she is scared, but if it's somewhere you need to walk often then gradually building up until she's happy to walk there could help.

Might also be worth doing some bonding type training, so she knows she can trust you and might be more likely to walk then if you go.
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Re: Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

Post by Ari_RR »

For Ari its quite normal to just stop in the middle of the walk. And then he just stands there, ears pricked and looking intensely somewhere. I wait this out, and give him a few minutes to make his decision - is it safe to keep going or not.
Sometimes he decides that its ok to trust me and moves on, then there is a big party "Good boy Ari !!!", praise and treats.
And if after a couple of minutes he is still not willing - we go in a different direction if there is one, or back.....

This happens rarely now. Either he trusts me now to pick the direction, or is familiar with our routes.

But when this does happen - most likely this happens at night, in low light.. Perhaps when he can't see in the dark and takes "let's be safe then sorry" approach ?
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Re: Dog refusing to walk up certain streets

Post by runlikethewind »

Hi Bendog. What is bonding training?
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