I wish you would stop, but I know you won't
Where there is demand, there will always be supply. And as long as there are people willing to pay $200 for one of your "red nose pit" (your words, not mine) puppies, you will continue to successfully exploit your dogs for easy cash. According to Georgia law, unlicensed breeders can only produce one litter PER YEAR. And I'll take a wild guess that you don't have the pet dealer's license required to be breeding these dogs.
I wish you would visit your local open-intake shelter and see the problem you're contributing to, but I know you won't
Take a walk through any animal control facility (especially down here in Georgia) and you'll see row after row of pit bull-type dogs. Most of them will not leave the shelter alive. I wish you knew the reality of the pet overpopulation crisis in your area because if you saw the trash bags full of dead dogs that I have seen leaving the shelter in a garbage truck, I imagine you would think twice about what you're doing.
I wish you would take responsibility for the dogs you have brought into this world, but I know you won't
Unless you stopped breeding your dogs (and preferably had them spayed and neutered) and also required that anyone who bought your puppies got them spayed and neutered, the reality is that I'm going to see your puppies again someday. Maybe not the puppies you're selling now, but certainly their puppies, or their puppies' puppies. I'm going to see them in a dogfighting bust, or in a shelter, or tied up and neglected in a backyard. And you won't be the one that cries for them.
I wish this wasn't about the money, but I know it is
This wasn't an "accidental litter." This was your conscious choice to breed your "red nose pits" to make a few thousand bucks. There are truly responsible breeders out there who dedicate their lives to improving the standard of their breed of choice, and who would give their right arm before they would sell their puppies to the first people who approached their car in a parking lot.
I wish our animal shelters would no longer be overcrowded, but they won't unless you stop this vicious cycle
You are the reason there are dogs dying in shelters every day. You are the reason that pit bull-type dogs get an undeserved bad reputation. You are the reason I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make a difference in the lives of the dogs that people like you have so carelessly brought into this world and set up to fail.
There are so many resources available for anyone who is ready to stop backyard breeding, whether intentional or not. Low-cost spay/neuter organizations and rescue groups exist all over the world to help you end the cycle and get your remaining animals into safe, loving homes. If you're willing to be a part of the solution, know that you have a world of support behind you!